
Can I Use My Old Email for JAMB?

Can I Use My Old Email for JAMB?

When it comes to the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination process, understanding the use of your email address is crucial. With technological advancements and a shift toward digital solutions, candidates need to know whether they can use their old email addresses for JAMB registration and subsequent communications. This article will provide a detailed exploration of this topic, addressing all relevant aspects to ensure you are well-informed and prepared.


Understanding JAMB’s Email Requirements

The Role of Email in JAMB Registration

Email addresses play a significant role in the JAMB registration process. They serve as the primary means of communication between JAMB and candidates, allowing for the exchange of vital information, such as registration details, examination schedules, and results. It is imperative that candidates provide a valid and functional email address to facilitate smooth communication.

Can You Use an Old Email Address?

The short answer is yes, you can use your old email address for JAMB registration, provided it is active and accessible. However, there are several considerations to bear in mind when deciding to use an existing email account.


Factors to Consider

  1. Access and Security: Ensure that you have full access to the email account and that it is secure. Update your password if necessary to protect your account from unauthorized access.
  2. Spam and Overload: If your old email is cluttered with spam or promotional emails, consider cleaning it up to avoid missing important JAMB communications.
  3. Professionalism: If your old email address is unprofessional or inappropriate (e.g.,, it might be wise to create a new, more professional email specifically for JAMB purposes.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Your Old Email

Step 1: Verify Your Email

Before proceeding with JAMB registration, log in to your old email account and verify that it is active. Ensure you can send and receive emails without any issues.

Step 2: Update Security Settings

To protect your email account from unauthorized access, update your password to a strong, unique combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Enable two-factor authentication if your email provider offers it.

Step 3: Organize Your Inbox

Clean up your inbox by deleting unnecessary emails and organizing important ones into folders. This will help you stay on top of JAMB-related communications.

Step 4: Register with JAMB

When registering for JAMB, provide your verified old email address. Ensure that the email you use is consistent across all JAMB-related platforms and documentation.

Step 5: Monitor Your Email Regularly

Regularly check your email for updates from JAMB, including examination schedules, instructions, and result notifications. Promptly respond to any requests or inquiries to avoid complications.

Potential Issues with Using an Old Email

Forgotten Passwords

If you have forgotten the password to your old email account, you may face difficulties accessing important JAMB communications. It is crucial to reset your password before registration if you encounter this issue.

Account Deactivation

In some cases, email providers may deactivate accounts that have been inactive for a long time. Before registering for JAMB, ensure your email account is active and functional.

Missing Notifications

Using an old email with a cluttered inbox can lead to missed notifications from JAMB. Regularly clean up your email and create filters to prioritize JAMB communications.

Creating a New Email Account

When to Consider a New Email

If you face any issues with your old email or if it does not meet your current needs, creating a new email account is a viable option. Consider the following scenarios:

  • Inaccessible Account: If you cannot access your old email, it is best to create a new account.
  • Unprofessional Address: If your old email is unprofessional, create a new, more appropriate one for official communications.
  • Security Concerns: If you suspect your old email has been compromised, a new account can provide enhanced security.

How to Create a New Email

Creating a new email account is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Provider: Select a reliable email provider such as Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook.
  2. Register an Account: Visit the provider’s website and follow the registration process. Choose a professional email address, preferably your name or a variation thereof.
  3. Secure Your Account: Set a strong password and enable security features such as two-factor authentication.
  4. Use the New Email for JAMB: Register for JAMB with your new email address and ensure all communications are directed to it.


In conclusion, using your old email for JAMB registration is possible, provided it is accessible and secure. However, creating a new email account may be beneficial in certain situations, such as security concerns or unprofessional email addresses. Always prioritize the reliability and security of your email to ensure seamless communication with JAMB.


Can I change my email address after registering for JAMB?

Yes, you can change your email address after registering for JAMB. To do so, contact JAMB support and provide them with your new email address for update purposes.

What should I do if I do not receive JAMB notifications?

If you are not receiving JAMB notifications, check your spam or junk folder. Ensure that your email address is correctly registered with JAMB and that your inbox is not full.

Is it mandatory to use an email for JAMB registration?

Yes, providing a valid email address is mandatory for JAMB registration. It serves as the primary communication channel between you and JAMB, ensuring you receive important updates and notifications,


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